December 10, 2012

Blogging and Microblogging

I'm in the midst of crunch time with a big final project due this Friday, so this post will be short and sweet.

I recently came across this website called BiggerBrains, and it just so happened that they had, a few days ago, posted a blurb on The Value and How-To's of Blogging and Microblogging for Disseminating your Research. Believe it or not, I was a bit skeptical on the effectiveness of blogging when I started this online adventure. However, my wariness on using this blog as a tool to further my research has all but gone away, thanks to my colleagues and and the folks at BiggerBrains.

I would highly suggest you check out the link above when you have a few minutes to spare - who knows, you may end up hopping on the blogging train yourself!